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2025 3rd International Conference on SmartRail, Traffic and Transportation Engineering creates opportunities for academics, researchers, industry professionals, and practitioners to share ideas, exchange knowledge, and discuss the latest challenges, innovative solutions, and future prospects related to various topics related to SmartRail, Traffic and Transportation Engineering, which include but are not limited to: 

Track 1: Intelligent Equipment and Technology 

for Rail Transit


Track 3: Transportation Planning

High-speed trains

Rack-type trains

Straddle-type monorail vehicles

Suspended monorail vehicles

Key components for rail transit vehicles

Traction and control of rail vehicles

Health monitoring and management of rail vehicles

Intelligent operation and maintenance 

Equipment for rail transit

Urban aesthetics and townscape

Urban ecology

Travel characteristics

Land use and urban design

Environmental considerations

Travel demand and network modelling

Evaluation and prioritization

Asset management

Transportation system management

Transit planning

Travel demand management

Statewide transportation planning

Metropolitan transportation planning

Corridor planning

Rural community planning

Recreational areas

Freight transportation planning

Public participation

Economics and Policy

Heritage, Local and regional identity

Track 2: Railway-Air-Maritime Transportation

Track 4: Highway Transportation

Geometric design of track

Railway stations and yards

Railway maintenance and rehabilitation

Rail electrical controls and equipment

Track drainage

Alignment of railway lines

Railway safety and management

Signalling and interlocking

High speed trains

Suburban railways

Classification yards

Emerging technologies

Runway and gate capacity

Air traffic management and safety

Airport-highway interface

Baggage handling systems

Water transportation

Ports and harbour operation

Intermodal transportation

Maritime energy efficiency initiatives

Maritime cybersecurity

Autonomous ships

Wireless Sensors and Sensor Networks

New Technology on Developing Sensor


Highway geometric design

Automated transportation systems

Emergency response systems

Highway maintenance/management

Intelligent transportation systems

Security and monitoring systems

Signal and communication technology

Image & Video Signal Processing Speech Processing

Error Theory and Analysis

Array & Multi-Channel Signal Processing

Sustainable transportation

Traffic control/information technology

Transport dynamics

Intersections and roundabouts

Bridge bearing capacity and stability

Transportation safety and security

Traffic operations

Geographic information systems

Sustainable development

Pedestrians and bicyclists

Site impact studies

Modelling, simulation and optimization

Supply chain management

Pavement design